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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Make more money with your blog by Francis K. Kamau

This article is for those of us who at least have a blog, if you do not have a blog already, please visit and get tips of how you can start your own blog. It will take you 15 minutes to set one up. If you don't have anything to sell in your blog, these two sites and will help you in that too

In the world of internet business, getting traffic is an uphill task. Keeping them coming back is even harder. There is a lot of information on how to get traffic to your blog, starting from pay per click to traffic exchange programs but very little information on how to retain them. We are always trying to get more traffic but never trying to keep them coming back for more.

Your blog need to get traffic as well as make them come for more, over and over again. You need what marketers call repeat customers. In marketing is said that repeat customers constitute a big percentage of your sales and advert clicks. With repeat customers you reduce your cost of advertising because your visitors already know your blog and you benefit from the best and free advertising mode in the world, commonly known as word of mouth.

For your blog to accomplish its core objective of driving sales for your products, affiliate programs and Adsense money, you will you need to have a clear purpose or mission. Before designing or adding a new post to your blog, always ask yourself the following question. What is my business, who is my customer, what do my customers value?

Always remember: All successful companies have a mission statement. They stand for something. A mission is like a guardian angel, invisible hand that is always guiding you. Your mission can be written or unwritten; it doesn't matter, but you need to know it by heart.

Your mission written or unwritten should be a) Market oriented: This means that it is for the target market that you want to tap. It should be reassuring the visitors of your commitment to delivering value and meeting their expectations. b) Customer focused: This means that each customer will feel the mission every time they visit the blog. It should appeal to the heart. c) Achievable: A mission is a commitment, it is not some statements to make you feel good but a commitment to something, thus unachievable mission is nothing but a set of words.

The above will make your mission TRUE.

With a TRUE mission on your blog, your viewers will always come back for more and you will get the right traffic for your products. If this doesn't work, then you will surprise all of us.

About the Author

Francis K. Kamau has been in market research for the last 12 years. He has managed market research project for new product development, customer satisfaction, advertisement research among other research projects. He has 5 blogs to his name.

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