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Saturday, October 11, 2008


The aim of this site is to enable and to give tips to the online marketers who will use article marketing as a way of driving traffic to their sites. Your site is your online store. I would like to share my insights on things that have worked for me in my article writing. Ask yourself, whom I’m I writing for. Research is important, writing is both and art and a science. If you are writing about Health, read magazines, journals, to get the most recent information. First the title, it is very important that the title be a summary of what the body of the article is all about. Don’t forget to use relevant keywords on your title. I hope by now in your internet marketing you have a list of directories that publish articles. This is important because for your article to get noticed, Submission into as many article directories as possible is important. People always ask me what the right number of words in an article. There is no right number of words; however an article of less than 400 words is not an article. To be on the safe side let your article is between 400 words and 1000 words. If you have more information and you pass the 1000 mark, I would advice you to cut the article into two, and have part one and two, you are not writing a journal. Do not put so many links in your articles; otherwise it will look like it’s a billboard to the reader. Articles that describe a way of doing things i.e. how to; are better that the essay type, you are not teaching the readers you are giving them a solution. People in the internet business are always looking for better ways of doing something. Giving a summary at the end is a good writing skill. Lastly, always use the resource box to your advantage; it’s your brand, exploit everything. Remembers you are branding and marketing yourself with your article. Use your article as an ad. Submission to as many directories, magazines and papers as possible is equally important. If you do it right you will see results after about 10 online articles, your business will start to grow.
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