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Saturday, October 4, 2008


As a blogger the need for branding is huge. You cannot achieve the desired marketing growth if your lack proper marketing communication. A blog will do just that, it will communicate and help your online marketing. But how do you brand? The following are ten tips on successful branding of your blog.

1. Segment the market: This way you will be able to identify your primary target and develop benefits that will appeal to them. With a segment for your product or your blog, you will be able to specifically target your offering; you will be having a clear picture of who your intended customers are.

2. Know your target: understanding why they are buying from you is a big move that will help you in tailoring your products and designing your blog. Understand what sort of people they are, know their nitty gritty. This can be achieved by using subscription to be able to talk to them as often as you could make it personal

3. Have your unique selling proposition: This will make your offer unique. You will be different from your competition. Differentiate the way you sell your products, how you treat your customers. Have consistency in messages fonts, color schemes. Get professional advice if you must but do it.

4. Know your competition: Your competitors will crush you if they get the chance, know them, and understand their plans, their customers, and their offer. Track, monitor their every move, anticipate their moves, it's a chess game, don't let the check mate you.

5. Turn your brand inside out: Look at what is working and retain, throw away what is not working, innovate, turn your brand younger by the years, extend your brand, give your customers new experiences and change the rules of the game. It's the only way out.

6. Create loyalty: People by nature want to be part of something larger than them. People need a hero. They hero worship anything bigger than them. Niche marketing is your best shot. It creates niches which eventually turn into small tribes. Tribal brands are worshiped by clique of people and guarded secretly.

7. Be a good brand: A good brand is consistent, gives clear messages to its customer. Provides details of its benefits. Its benefits include both the extrinsic and intrinsic of the brand. It caters for its customers both functionally and emotionally. A good brand keeps its promise

8. Give consistency in quality: Consistence should be all round. The product quality should be the same. A bottle of coke is the same whether in a store in Atlanta or hawker cart in Tajikistan. Quality of a brand is in the color scheme, the way the name is written. Consistency is part of the promise. Part of the offer. It reassures your customer of lifetime relationship.

9. Be distinct, relevant and memorable: Since you know your customers very well, then you know what they want, why they want it, and you will always be able to remain relevant. While your competitors are stuck in old ways, you become distinct, standing out. Have easy tags, lines that even kids can recall. Live memorably to live longer

10. Offer more than your competitors: This is the golden rule in marketing. Yes, with all the above then you will be offering more than your competitors.

By adhering to these ten tips in your branding, you will leap benefits by getting traffic and your marketing online efforts will start paying off.

Get more tips on blogging for profit at and you can also visit the following blogs for other tips on online marketing: and .

About the Author

Francis K Kamau has been in marketing for the last 12 years. He has experience ranging from advertisement research to New Product Development. He currently owns five blogs.

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