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Friday, October 3, 2008


Today one can have a blog without any hassle. Getting a blog is as easy as 123. If you want to get tips on how to get a blog of your own right now, visit: But that is not the end, one need traffic to get value from the blog. For one to drive traffic to their blog one must advertise. This cost money and in the long run if one does not get the amount of traffic expected then that is a loss and it mean more money.

The role of advertising is getting people to know about the existence of our products. Some of you could also be trying to refer; the point is we never rest. We try Google Adwords, and many other pay per click services. But after all is said and done, you need to understand what you want your advertisement to do.

Critical success factor in advertisement is to understand why you are advertising. So every time you are about to launch a new advert campaign and you are about to start checking the economic benefits of the keywords that you want to use, ask yourself this question, why are you advertising? This will tell you whether you want to inform about your new product, or you want to reinforce and already existing product or you want to rejuvenate a dwindling product.

Introduction to the Product Life Cycle Let’s first understand some basic factors about product and what the marketers call the product cycle. A product life cycle is like a human life cycle. We are conceived, born, we become teenagers.mature, get old and eventually die. Each one of us must go through this cycle. A product goes through a cycle too. Understanding your product’s life cycle will save you a lot of time and money as it will answer the question of why you are advertising.

The following is a product life cycle stages: 1. Introduction stage 2. Growth stage 3. Mature stage 4. Decline stage Introduction Stage: This is when a product has just been introduced to the market. Nobody knows about it and you as the marketer, the affiliate, the producer must educate the customers. The customer need to know the new product existence, this is called awareness creation. The customer need to be educated on the product uses, the benefits, why should they buy it, the pricing issues and where found, who is selling it.

The marketer needs to come up with a pull strategy this is to get people to try the new product this is by advertising the right message. The following is just a hypothetical introduction advert. The product initial message: “Introducing a revolutionary product that changes your hair from white to black by just adding it to you drinking water once daily. The products benefits are: “Now you do not have take that drive to the hairdresser and wait for eternity, just do it at home and if you don’t like the result change�. The price and the availability: “The new product has the right price for all of us, its cost is US$ 30 for a 30 days pack and it’s available in all supermarkets or you can order online at…�

But you will need to have had push strategy: this is about encouraging distributors and dealers to stock display and promotes the new product.

This stage of introduction calls for expensive advertisement budget and it does not benefit your product alone but the entire market for that product benefits, this means including your competitors. But eventfully the sales will start to grow. In the product cycle we will now be in the growth stage. This is the end of part one of this article, we continue with the other stages in part 2 of this article. You can visit the following sites and get free product to sell and free affiliate programs to register: and .

About the Author

Francis Kamau has been in marketing for over 12 years, his experience in marketing spans over 30 countries in Africa and his specialization includes advertisement, market research, new product development among other areas. Currently he owns 5 blogs.

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