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Saturday, July 18, 2009
This time you need to pull that book you read about leadership in crisis time. If you have no such book them I will give you some ideas, which will save the day if well implemented. The economy is ducking and diving like a Spitfire plane under fire and in such a case, we need to know how to navigate through the enemy line.
You need to behave like a general during war; you need unquestionable loyalty from your troops. This can only be achieved if you have undisputed leadership quality to steer your men away from imminent danger. Here is the tool kit you need to do become that general:
Quality customer service:
Quality customer service should be inherent in you business, this is not time to start; you need to have started yesterday. I have always said that customer service is too big to be left to one department; it should be the motto and the mission of the entire business. Make sure that you dazzle and wow your customers to make them feel that you made that business for them; after all without them you have no business.
Strategic innovation: Think innovation, innovation. Look around you to identify unoccupied territories, unmet needs, segment the market further and further, listen to you customers more to find unmet needs. Remember you competitors at this time are trying to survive but you are innovating, putting you ahead of them.
Become the undisputed leader across the board: Command respect from foe and allies alike. You must be there to offer leadership services to you team. They are looking up at you to carry the day for them, so please do that without failing.
To prepare for what comes next: This could be the beginning of the storm and it could be far from being over. Save where you can, not by cutting the marketing budget, but by reducing waste. Lease don’t buy, because at the end of the day, you need to make quick decision and unnecessary assets will be wasting you time. Like a soldier travel light.
This way you make it through the night.
With the above tips, you will win the war without many casualties. You will have a more strong business after all these. This meltdown could be an opportunity to grow your business.
Become the business leader we want you to be, rise up to the occasion by using the tested toolkit provided.
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